We Survived
Things Could be Better
I am NOT Explaining
I Stole This List From Tysgirl
1. Wrapping paper or gift bag? Wrapping paper...it brings out my creative side.
2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial.....I have like 2 or 3 now, this year's is about 18" tall.
3. When do you put up your tree? No later than December 1st by 11 PM.
4. When do you take down your tree? Whenever Beaver Boy says it has to go, usually around June.
5. Do you like eggnog? Only in a latte.
6. Favorite gift as a kid? CASH!!!!!!!!!!
7. Do you have a nativity scene? ummm HELL NO
8. Hardest person to buy for? My husband, he has expensive hobbies.
9. Easiest person to buy for? My father-in-law, when all else fails a bottle of Jack Daniels is easy to wrap.
10. The worst Christmas present you ever got? More knitted stuff from my mother, how many too big hats do you need.
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Real cards are best....but I'm lazy most years so an email is usually what people get.
12. Favorite Christmas movie? Almost any Christmas cartoon, what can I say, I haven't grown up yet.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I always try to start early.....usually I am still shopping by Christmas Eve.
14. Recycled a Christmas present? If it was crappy, why not.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Ham.......and pumpkin pie.
16. White or colored lights? Colored and blinking to music.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Grandma got ran over by a reindeer.
18. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? Not since elementary school, and even then I'm sure I was faking it.
19. Traveling or staying home? Staying home, happy the store will be closed, otherwise I'd be working.
20. Angel or star on top of the tree? Star if those are my choices.
21. What do you love most about the holidays? Being with people I love....and the food...and the presents.
I am finally getting things together for Christmas. I got my mother and stepfather's presents done. The nephew is done. And my father-in-law's gift is nearly done. Christmas cards are written out and just need to be addressed and mailed. I am hoping that will be done Friday evening. I still need to get my mother-in law's gift and my difficulttoshopforbecausehehasexpensivehobbies husband. Computer gaming, trapping and fishing are not cheap hobbies to get gifts for. So I am thinking he may get gift cards and socks. Because he hates it when I buy him socks for Christmas. Especially socks that have a sticker on them that says "new and improved". I hunt for them every year. LOL.
I love this time of year.....the lights, the cheer, the cards, the snow, the presents. This is one of my favorite times and has been since I was a kid. We rarely get snow in this area but the in-laws are kind enough to take me to go play in the mountains if we have snow on my days off. It is always a good time. The hubby and I usually get into a no-holds-barred snowball fight until one of us is injured or just plain can't feel our hands anymore. Yes, I am usually the one that ends up injured. But it is so worth the fun. So worth it.....I only hope I remember those snowball fights when I'm old and in a home. :)
So There I Was....
So here is my question......Why are politicians touring our town when so many other places are so much more worse off than we were? The news was reporting how our town so bad off, not so true. Many outlining communities were out of power for anywhere from 2 to 7 days, but we all pulled through it. Many of the mud packed areas were cleaned up by Wednesday. There are a few small towns close by that did have pretty bad wind damage and several families have lost crops, but we will pull through it, just like the flooding last year or in 1996. So all is well here. There are places out there much worse off, but here...we are okay.
OK, So a Month is a Little Long....
Otherwise life has been going well........Almost everyone in family has had or will be having a birthday soon, so we have been busy with that. Only a few more to go then here comes X-mas. Needless to say, we're broke. Tis that time of year, I guess. I'll get over it after Saturday. That would be my birthday. Ok, so I'll still care.......the next Saturday will be our daughter's 13th birthday, and before that one of my nephews will be 10. God, they grow up so fast. My godson is the only kid still in the single digits. At least they all know that Auntie is most likely only giving them a phone call this year. I'm lucky they are all okay with that.
Anyway, I got to go get ready for work tomorrow....with so few days off, laundry has become a "hopefully tonight it might get done" thing. Last night was reserved for movie night, so I got some catching up to do. So even though it took me a month, at least I finally posted something. Good Job Me!!!!!
Sorry, I'm slacking...
Okay, I think I'm done being boring. But probably not, I'm a boring person by nature. I can't help the babbling either, I'm very excited for this opportunity. It's the first chance I've ever had to really move forward in a company. Who knows, maybe from here I can take over the world.......
All is Getting Better
I Hope No One Reads This...
Give a girl a break...
Anyways, enough rambling for now. I got to get ready for work.
BTW....Check the hubby's site for some interesting reads. He has posted some crazy stories he found. MBCBUYB will probably love them.
It was a BIG Week.
War with the hubby

It's My Weekend
FYI.......evil manager bitch was given another write-up, given a last chance notice (next write-up is a 5 day suspension) and then if she screws up again.....she is so fucking gone, and I will have to move onto another goal. So, any ideas on what my next hostile take over move should be? What can I say....I'm very career minded, and stupid bitches that stand in my way (and can't do the damn job, by their own admission) must be disposed of to make way for people that can do a monkey's job without all the shit-flinging. Some call it catty or bitchy...I call it upper-management material.
I've been blowing money likes it's going out of style this week. New clothes, new makeup, new "toys". It's not very often I get to splurge on my hubs and myself like this, so it's been fun. And he isn't complaining much. ;) It's otherwise been a quiet weekend. The in-laws are out of town for the week, so we get the house to ourselves with no bitching, complaining, or yelling. It's nice. I do wish Mom-in-law would go back to work though. It's rough with her here 24/7. Stressful. Let's just say she can get a little bent over the stupidest shit....now I'm no angel, but at least I can control my temper for longer than 3 seconds. At least when she was working she was only here on the weekends and things were great from Sunday night till Friday morning. Oh fucking well....... it will get better when we can afford our own place again. If I can get rid of the Starbucks manager, (and I use that term lightly), maybe I can get into her position, make $6 more an hour, actually give that department some real management, and work my way up from there. But first that worthless piece of shit has got to go. We are getting closer.....3 write-ups in 1 week. Way to go, Dipshit!!! Ok.....enough bitching for one post. I got dishes to get done anyways.
Shit Mutha Fuck God Damn
Again....Some Men Do The Strangest Things
And this makes the subject of the last post seem sane. I just don't get it. I thought they made devices for men to avoid this type of situation. Guess I was wrong.
Here's a Man I Have to Meet....
This is a bio on Jonathan Lee Riches. This guy takes stupid lawsuits to a whole new level. If this just a drawn out way to get a new trial based for an insanity plea....I got to give the props. He is a sleazy lawyer's wet dream and a judge's nightmare. I got to show some appreciation for a guy who tries to sue the Ming Dynasty. That takes alot balls and make me want some of whatever he should be on. Shit, this was one of the best things I read this week, except for Tysgirl's episode with her backseat.
I Am So SICK of Insects
Vacation Baby
This Is Hilarious
I am worth $2,304,254 on HumanForSale.com
How much are you worth?
Pet Peeves
2) People who let their 3 year old piss all over the floor & laugh about how he "was marking his territory", he's not a fucking dog.
3) People who bitch because a store is out of something that the store has no control over.
4) People who bitch because there was 1 too many ice cubes in their fucking drink.
5) People who don't keep their animals on a leash or in their vehicles while shopping then fucking bitch because their are asked to clean up where the dog just crapped in the front entrance of the store.
6) People who won't listen when little Johnny has been crying for 2 aisles that he has to go to the bathroom, then slap the shit out of the poor kid for crapping his pants, (we called the cops for that one).
7) Bosses who decide that they need to call you 9 times in a 4 hour shift & come in to check up on you, even though you run circles around them & get the printer to work for their stupid fucking asses.
I think I may be done venting for the moment. Sorry, I had a shitty fucking day at work. Hence all the cussing and bitching. And yes, all of this happened in a 4 hour time frame. I love my job.
Coffee Girl
You Are a Cappuccino |
![]() You're fun, outgoing, and you love to try anything new. However, you tend to have strong opinions on what you like. You are a total girly girly at heart - and prefer your coffee with good conversation. You're the type that seems complex to outsiders, but in reality, you are easy to please |
This so true is scares me.
You Are 94% Evil |
![]() You're the most evil person you know. The devil is even a little scared of you! |
Sorry.......I've Been Playing
A Day Off?!?!?
New Shit
Don't ask me what all I am supposed do be able to with that add-on...but I am sure I'll figure it out just like the rest of this shit.
Everyone else here is sleeping so they can go sturgeon fishing in the morning. Me....all about the sleeping in, doing laundry, clean up the house, work on some gardening, possibly add some highlights to my hair and redo my manicure kinda day. I just have to get all that done before an early bedtime of 6:15 pm. All this week I get to do the 4 AM to 12:30 PM shift at work while covering a vacation. BONUS.....no dealing with customers all fucking week, and the paper trail in this dept. is all caught up. It should a real easy week. Especially compared to a few weeks ago when we had some huge soda deal, the receiving area was a wreck do to 2 resets that week and we were about 3 weeks behind on the weekly paperwork. This week I have no huge sales, no paperwork, and only one small reset. YIPPEEE!!!!!! I love simple weeks. Now I even have my barista training done and only have around 3 or 4 things to finish for lead training. By the end of this month, hopefully everything will fall into place. Things are looking good so far.