
Thank You

I want to thank you all for your support during these difficult times. I refuse to focus on the loss and heartache. I, instead, choose to focus my energies on getting well and beating my odds. My body is my own worst enemy right now and I plan on showing it who really runs this joint. Mind over matter (along with western medicine) will be my new slogan. I have also been doing research into acupuncture and other forms of therapy. I will overcome or go broke trying. My spirits are up....so are my happy pills....so I thank you again for your well-wishes and all of your support. You have all become a second family to me in the last several months. You have welcomed me into your daily joys, pains and even your life changing milestones. You make me laugh when I need it most, you make me cry when that's all you can do. But most of all, you make me smile and warm my heart everyday.

OK,that's enough of that sentimental shit. Look what you made me go and do.....bitches. :) Love you!


Maybe Someday.....

Okay, so it happened again. Yep, I had another miscarriage. No worries, I finally found out why this keep happening to us. Turns out I have PCOS and severe endometriosis. So on Friday I will be starting on hormone therapy, Depo, pre-diabetes meds and then wait 3 months, check a bunch of blood work and go from there. The doctor was hopeful that if we got my condition under control, maybe we could try for a baby in a year or two. This condition is an extreme case because it turns out I've been misdiagnosed, and untreated, for at least 10 years. So from the ashes of yet another heartache comes a light of hope. It is about fucking time. There is also a chance of bad news....if things get worse after treatment, I may have to have a complete hysterectomy. But we won't think about that bit of news. I prefer to think that things will get better from here, not worse.

So there you have it, my bad/good news for the week. This week better improve, I am getting worn out already, and it's only Thursday.


Wow.....Has it Been That Long?

Holy shit, I can't believe I have been slacking this bad. Since finishing my classes I've been working my ass off, without my raise. That should hopefully go through in the next week or so, complete with back pay. I have been working insane shifts that bounce between morning, noon, evening and graveyard. Minus the stupid people, things are going really well.

I have made a great effort to better improve my life, including taking anti-depressants and improving my diet. I had a full blood panel done and found that everything is in good shape except the ever important cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Ouch, those were horrid. But with some simple changes I have lost 15 pounds and I will be retested in about 2 1/2 months. At least my blood pressure has dropped to a safe level. Since my grandparents and father have all had massive heart attacks, I worry more as I get older. All of them started having heart problems in their 30's. I plan to fix 30 years of damage before I end up in an ICU by 35. Wish me luck.

Things for the home life are getting better. Since I went on meds for my depression, my mother-in-law has also started on meds to improve her mood. Things are looking up, and the men around here are noticing a decrease in tension. There is more laughter and less crying and screaming. I think we are all improving slowly but surely. None the less, the hubby and I are hoping to get into a place of our own before July or August. It's just with my mother-in-law not working due to her medical problems, money is tight and it is taking everything we have to keep just one home afloat. If she gets her SSI approved then we can start saving for an apartment soon. Some days I quit holding my breathe. At least it is becoming easier for us all to live together. Better late then never, I guess.

I will try to be better about blogging around here, but at least I can always be counted on to leave my foul-mouthed laced comments on Tysgirl's page. It will take an act of God to keep my opinion out of there. Or her just finally blocking me because I hit someone's last nerve. Or something like that.