
We Survived

We have survived yet another holiday season. Things were as pleasant as can be expected. We spent the day before Christmas eve with my mother and stepfather. We all went out for dinner at a little diner in town. Christmas was spent here with the in-laws. Beaver boy made a great haul in the gifts this year....including a beautiful glass plater in the shape and color of a steelhead. I didn't do too shabby either....a new Eeyore bathrobe and pj's, and a new MP3 player amongst other gifts o' plenty. All in all it was a good holiday. Minus the fact that I had to be at work at 3AM the next day. We have our nephew here until Sunday, so I should probably get back to harassing him for the next few days. At least it gives me something to take my mind off of everything else that has happened in the last week. Things are better...no worries.


Things Could be Better

Well things aren't great, but at least physically I'm doing better. Mentally, I'm still shot. I haven't made it through a full day of work yet, it still kills me to stand for that long. But today was longer than yesterday. Tomorrow I should be able to last a full shift. At least I hope so, I got bills to pay. As for emotionally......I lost it yesterday, crying over stupid shit and crap like that. I almost started that again today, but stopped myself. I just keep thinking that things are worse for some other people, I should be thankful for the things and people I do have and to stop mourning the ones I don't. It is hard this time.......but I resolve to make it through this as best as I can. It's almost Christmas....one of my favorite times of year....I will beat this, I will be cheery, I will enjoy this...if not for me, then for the sake of my family.


I am NOT Explaining

If you have read any of my posts on other sites, you may have noticed that I am feeling a bit stoned out of my mind today. Yes, I am on high amounts of pain killers. Yes, I am feeling a bit froggy today. No, I will not explain the last several days that have led me to be in this condition. It's the holidays....let's not ruin that last bit of joy I may hold onto. No, I am not dying in the physical sense of the word. Yes, at least one person around here will probably guess what the fuck is going on. Yes, that person may email me, but no posting what you think it may be. You know me fairly well. I'll deal with this in my own time. Christmas is not that time. So please just bear with the odd comments and some misspelled words. I'll be back to as normal as I get in a few days. Thank you for your understanding.


I Stole This List From Tysgirl

1. Wrapping paper or gift bag? Wrapping paper...it brings out my creative side.

2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial.....I have like 2 or 3 now, this year's is about 18" tall.

3. When do you put up your tree? No later than December 1st by 11 PM.

4. When do you take down your tree? Whenever Beaver Boy says it has to go, usually around June.

5. Do you like eggnog? Only in a latte.

6. Favorite gift as a kid? CASH!!!!!!!!!!

7. Do you have a nativity scene? ummm HELL NO

8. Hardest person to buy for? My husband, he has expensive hobbies.

9. Easiest person to buy for? My father-in-law, when all else fails a bottle of Jack Daniels is easy to wrap.

10. The worst Christmas present you ever got? More knitted stuff from my mother, how many too big hats do you need.

11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Real cards are best....but I'm lazy most years so an email is usually what people get.

12. Favorite Christmas movie? Almost any Christmas cartoon, what can I say, I haven't grown up yet.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I always try to start early.....usually I am still shopping by Christmas Eve.

14. Recycled a Christmas present? If it was crappy, why not.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Ham.......and pumpkin pie.

16. White or colored lights? Colored and blinking to music.

17. Favorite Christmas song? Grandma got ran over by a reindeer.

18. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? Not since elementary school, and even then I'm sure I was faking it.

19. Traveling or staying home? Staying home, happy the store will be closed, otherwise I'd be working.

20. Angel or star on top of the tree? Star if those are my choices.

21. What do you love most about the holidays? Being with people I love....and the food...and the presents.



This video just needs to be shared.



This is just one of those "whatever" blogs. What can I say, I'm just in one of those moods. It's after 11PM and I'm hanging out doing the laundry. My shift at work got cut today, but I'm not complaining, this is the first day in 3 weeks I'm not wasted on cold medicine. Sure, I'm still coughing a bit but at least I can breath. So I get 3 days off in a row this week then off to Salem for my third class. Yippee, that means I'm almost done. Only one class left after that. Maybe that will mean I will finally have more time on my hands. Okay maybe not anymore time, but at least more money. Things are getting back to normal around the area minus the hardest hits areas. But for the most parts things are normal.

I am finally getting things together for Christmas. I got my mother and stepfather's presents done. The nephew is done. And my father-in-law's gift is nearly done. Christmas cards are written out and just need to be addressed and mailed. I am hoping that will be done Friday evening. I still need to get my mother-in law's gift and my difficulttoshopforbecausehehasexpensivehobbies husband. Computer gaming, trapping and fishing are not cheap hobbies to get gifts for. So I am thinking he may get gift cards and socks. Because he hates it when I buy him socks for Christmas. Especially socks that have a sticker on them that says "new and improved". I hunt for them every year. LOL.

I love this time of year.....the lights, the cheer, the cards, the snow, the presents. This is one of my favorite times and has been since I was a kid. We rarely get snow in this area but the in-laws are kind enough to take me to go play in the mountains if we have snow on my days off. It is always a good time. The hubby and I usually get into a no-holds-barred snowball fight until one of us is injured or just plain can't feel our hands anymore. Yes, I am usually the one that ends up injured. But it is so worth the fun. So worth it.....I only hope I remember those snowball fights when I'm old and in a home. :)


Storm photos

These are some storm photos from the local paper.

So There I Was....

So there I was was, minding my own business. Next thing I know, State Rep. Ron Wyden is in the checkout lane right next to mine. Somewhere in the store is another senator shopping around. I guess it was a snack run in the middle of touring areas hardest hit by the triple play storms we got hit by last weekend. The hardest hit areas around here finally got power back yesterday after no power for many areas on the coast for a week. We were lucky here, no damage to the house, only small outages lasting less than a few hours and the river stayed back from the house by a foot or two. Our neighbors were not so lucky. They lost parts of their roofs, many trees on their property and a set of hearing aids. Several towns in our county lost power, had sever wind damage and flooding damage from the rising rivers. By last Tuesday, all there was in town was our store being open and tons of mud and muck to clean up. But we were all blessed. No storm related deaths or sever injuries. In one town over the mountain they are cleaning up everything and even knocking down some of the buildings. The whole town had to be evacuated, everything was destroyed. At last count there was over 14 tons of damaged items to be disposed of. It is all piled up at a central location in town.

So here is my question......Why are politicians touring our town when so many other places are so much more worse off than we were? The news was reporting how our town so bad off, not so true. Many outlining communities were out of power for anywhere from 2 to 7 days, but we all pulled through it. Many of the mud packed areas were cleaned up by Wednesday. There are a few small towns close by that did have pretty bad wind damage and several families have lost crops, but we will pull through it, just like the flooding last year or in 1996. So all is well here. There are places out there much worse off, but here...we are okay.