

This video just needs to be shared.


mama biscuit said...

Oh shit, what happens if you share cheerios with a 9 month old?


Funny video

JTEWhatever said...

Mega-Baby-Cooties.....Those kind are deadly.

MBCBUYB said...

I.. have a secret.

I. Have. Cooties.

I didn't mean to contract cooties, it just happened.

I tried to get the vaccine damnit! But they kept passing around the same damn needle. Circle Circle, Dot Dot. Next! Circle Circle, Dot Dot. Next! Circle Circle... No washing. No disposing of used needles. Just the same damn needle time and time again. Oh SURE you say. It was just an imaginary needle. Fuck that. I've seen Spongebob. I've seen Barney. I've listened to the Doors. The Imagination is a gateway to dimensions of the mind where reality is bent and shaped according to an unknown set of governing laws where you cannot trust your senses to know what is real or not.

It's just.. *sob* .. Not fair!