
New Shit

I added a new feature....a poll at the bottom of the page. I hope I am smart enough to remember to change it. I also now have a feed at feedburner.com. http://feeds.feedburner.com/CantHelpMyself
Don't ask me what all I am supposed do be able to with that add-on...but I am sure I'll figure it out just like the rest of this shit.

Everyone else here is sleeping so they can go sturgeon fishing in the morning. Me....all about the sleeping in, doing laundry, clean up the house, work on some gardening, possibly add some highlights to my hair and redo my manicure kinda day. I just have to get all that done before an early bedtime of 6:15 pm. All this week I get to do the 4 AM to 12:30 PM shift at work while covering a vacation. BONUS.....no dealing with customers all fucking week, and the paper trail in this dept. is all caught up. It should a real easy week. Especially compared to a few weeks ago when we had some huge soda deal, the receiving area was a wreck do to 2 resets that week and we were about 3 weeks behind on the weekly paperwork. This week I have no huge sales, no paperwork, and only one small reset. YIPPEEE!!!!!! I love simple weeks. Now I even have my barista training done and only have around 3 or 4 things to finish for lead training. By the end of this month, hopefully everything will fall into place. Things are looking good so far.

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