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Sunset on the Coast
This has got to be one of my favorite reasons for living in the Northwest. We have some of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. This pic was taken from our front porch a few months ago. My hubby has a way with cameras. He loves to get these wonderful pictures. I change the desktop on the computer every time he gets some more. It's always best if a storm is moving in off shore. It's a good trade for the rain.
Hey JennE I found you through Tysgirl's place. Just wanted to pop over and say hello, welcome to the blogsphere.
dammit Big Mama, you beat me to it.
Welcome to our crazy circle JennE....hopefully we won't scare the living day lights out of you!
And if you're ever having a craptastic day....Big Mama's the one that can boost your ego. She's the BESTEST!
Is your husband holding a Beaver?!?!
Isn't that sort of a personal question Tysgirl?!? Sheesh. I'm sorry but we can't take you ANYWHERE!!
Hi JennE, I'm SoozieQ and I made my way here through Tysgirl.
BigMama is the bestest, most sweetest person. Me and Tysgirl? Um...not so much ;-)
Welcome to BlogLand. Hope you like it here!
(if you click on my name you'll find my blog. I don't use my old Blogger account anymore)
I assure you Soozie, I have no idea what you're talking about. I simply inquired about the critter he was holding. Get your mind out of the gutter!
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