

Surgery went very well. I have 4 or 5 incisions all held together with super glue. I'm allergic to the tapes they use. The damn thing was very hairy inside. Plus it had lots of tissue and blood. The surgeon called it a "complex ovarian dermoid cyst". I told him that I like to be difficult. The only problem was in recovery when I was coming out of anesthesia and I had an asthma attack. I barely remember it, so whatever. I've been resting most of this evening and I'll probably try to get some more sleep here after my meds kick in. I just thought I'd update the world on my condition.

Update for the Update:
Everything is healing well. I still hae a week off from work because I'm still too bruised to get my work pants buttoned. Heartbreaking, I know. I feel so much better and all the testing came back...no cancer. Maybe now I can finish the painting around the house. Why waste the time off. 


Roller Coaster

We are in our new house....YIPPEE!! New carpets, new paint, new blinds...world of difference. Work is going well. If people would quit playing with buttons on MY self checkout. Bastards.

Now the not so fun stuff. I was in the emergency room on Tuesday. This was not the not so fun part. The not so fun part began after all the blood tests and ultrasounds (even Tysgirl's favorite up the koochie version) when the doc walked into the room and said "Well your not pregnant, but you are growing human tissue on your ovary. Things like hair, teeth, nails and skin masses." Gee, thanks for being so cheery about it. I need to go in for surgery on it within the next few weeks. No choice and no putting it off. So in our great wisdom......G and I named it Quasi Moto. Figure if we can't have kids we might as well enjoy it. We are both being strong....I'm scared shitless. It was worse after I looked up the type of cyst online. It is called a ovarian dermoid cyst. The pictures of them are enough to make you want to hurl. Mine is already the size of my bladder. Time is running thin. I will hopefully get ahold of the follow-up doc tomorrow. Until then, me and my oxycodone have a date with a search-a-word and the couch. I'll try to keep updates going as I feel up to it. Maybe we'll have a "Quasi Shower" before surgery. Sounds like fun to me.

UPDATE: Doctor office was reached, appointment on Monday and surgery most likely scheduled for Tuesday. Wish us luck.


My Last Blog......For a Little While

No worries....It's only until we get internet hooked up. But that could take a little bit. Between moving expenses and move in fees, we are a little straped for cash. I'm okay with that. We got our house a month early, things are going quickly. We will be painting tomorrow and moving shit in on Sunday. At least the big stuff. I got vacation for next week starting on Sunday so things seem to be falling into place. I am excited and nervous and excited and worried about money.....and did I mention excited. I think things will work out, just tight for a bit. This will be the first time ever for our own house...no neighbors on the other side of the wall, our own lawn (though it's not much of a lawn), and no "roommates" minus a dog and two cats.

So wish us luck...send donations if you like :)


That's The Way Spend Your Day Off...

Okay, I won't complain too much. At least I wasn't the one cleaning dog doo out of the yard. However I did start my day by waking up at 5AM. How the hell is that sleeping in?!?!?! Whatever. I was wide awake....that blows. So I made coffee, took the dog out and pondered what to do with my day. Since we are hopefully moving soon I decided that packing some of our useless crap would be a good idea, so I called the grocery store to have them hold some boxes. Then I decided we needed to get the carpets cleaned from Zoe housebreaking fun. So after a long hot shower off to the store we went, picked up boxes and bought carpet cleaning foam. But then I realized that I needed a new mop head for the carpet foam and a durable cleaning rag for the tough spots. So off to the other store.....their Starbucks' is better. More coffee in hand, I got to start the carpets and start the packing fun. Eight hours later.......I've cleaned the carpets and the boxes are still in the car. EIGHT hours......next time I am so just going to save time, energy and my back by renting a freakin' steam cleaner. I love the Resolve carpet foam.....for small spots, not years of stains made worse by puppy training. Bonus....in-laws are bringing home dinner. The hubby cleaned dog poop and mowed the field and yard. I am going to try to get laundry done tonight and start the packing thing tomorrow. And maybe...just maybe I'll be able to sleep in until at least 6AM.

BTW......Everyone keep your fingers crossed that the house will open up for us, we find out Friday.


Picnic is becoming a sickness

Originally uploaded by jenngeorge
Sorry to everyone.....I've become an editing addict. I just can't help it. It's too much fun. So I am going to get a large selection going and then will be asking for your opinions on which pics for a calendar. I love a good voting game. It will prolly take a few more days to weeks.....but let your friends know, I want tons of opinions. Both here and on Flickr.


What a Summer....

Where to begin? It has been crazy around here between puppy training, work and fighting the plague. I am finally feeling better....thank God. I thought I would never gt over these bugs and injuries. But with the lack of help of modern medicine and good old fashion rest-fluids-repeat and stopping antibiotics early I finally got my health back to semi-normal. That's good for me. Luckily everyone else in the house only got minorly ill if at all.

Work is going well, I am in charge of our new self checkouts which has been a fun challenge. I am on the phone with tech support at least twice a week. It's bad, they call back and ask for me by name even if I didn't call in the latest issue. We have one check stand that I lovingly refer to as the "Problem Child". Scale that doesn't work and a scanner that likes to try and scan when nothing is there. Fun times, fun times. At least it keeps me on my toes.

Speaking of keeping me on my toes.....Zoe is teething. She is hurting pretty bad and chewing everything in sight including our thumbs. She can't help it, she just wants her gums rubbed. We also tried to put her on a food for sensitive systems....skin rashes and bad tummies......she was allergic to it. Took a week for us to realize it....boy are we bright. Changed her food to Dog Chow and all is well again. Her training is going really well, I can have her off-leash if my MIL's dog is kenneled. He's aggressive so we try to keep them separated when possible. She has learned how to play fetch and listens unless she's tired or ouch from the teething. It just sucks making sure that you have allergy medicine and teething gel on hand at all times. Oh well, she's worth it. We can't leave her in the grass too long, she gets a rash all over. Food allergies are controllable, but she won't do her "business" unless she is in grass.

We will be moving here in the next month or so (I hope). We will most likely be getting int a small one bedroom house. At least it has a fenced yard and we can have the puppy and cats. We are excited to be one our own again.....finally. And not paying almost $300 a month in gas will more than cover utilties plus some. So wish us luck that the place opens soon. We are waiting for the current resident to go to a nursing home. She is in poor health but her family doesn't want to pay for her care. She is in a hospital right now and her family is pushing for her to go home and take care of herself or let her parolly grandson come take care of her. She would be better off in a home but her family is being horrible about it. I feel bad for her......but I want her house. So it would be a win-win situation for both her and us.

I got to go finish making zuccini bread, the first batch is nearly ready to come out of the oven. So I need to go rescue them from the hubs and FIL. They are stalking the oven as I type.


Is There A Doctor in the House?

Are you freakin' kidding me? This shit is getting out of control. Sorry, but I'm about to have a pity party. You have been warned.

In two months I have torn tendons in my hand, developed pneumonia, had swollen nasal membranes that ruptured (painful), ended up with pleurisy (Really Painful), food poisoning, bacterial strep and now........a new nasty head & chest cold with an ear infection (NOT FUCKING FEELING GOOD HERE). I'm so ready to shoot myself in the head. I am convinced my body is trying to destroy itself. I know everyone gets sick, everyone goes through the "blah" days. But all this in TWO MONTHS!!! Really, I think I hit my breaking point.

Now I'm done whining. For the moment.


The New Shit....

Where to begin? Zoe is training very well, we finally got her housebroken (I hope). One full week with no accidents of any kind. Off leash training........this one is going to take a while longer. Sit, down, stay, give, drop it, leave it, load up, Zoe kisses and come are all going very well considering her age. She is only 14 weeks old after all. And at 14 weeks she is 23 lbs. Holy crap. Her cutest trick....she knows what" Bed Time" means and goes and sits by the bed. Yeah, I got her into the evil habit of sleeping with us. We figure by Halloween we will need to upgrade to a larger bed. That sucks, we have a custom bed frame. New pictures are linked to the title.

I am coming off of light duty at work next week.....thank God, I am so sick of playing in back room. Although I'll probably still get stuck with it. I tore the tendons up in my left hand at the end of May.....of course I'm left handed. But all is healing well, so no surgery for me. YIPPEE!! Then I ended up in the ER last week for a floating rib pressing on my left lung and heart, that was a fucking blast. I thought I was having a heart attack with the electrical shocking feeling in my chest and all. I don't suggest it. I am so hoping for vacation in the next few weeks, I need to recover from myself.

And I just want to say CONGRATS to......well she knows who she is. I am just so happy everything is going so well. You deserve this more than anyone I know......except maybe me :) Just kidding.


New Pictures!!!!

I have add a few new pictures today. Again, I linked the page to the title of this post. I will be adding some pictures of the kids that were here last summer. I posted pictures here last year, but this years photos will go to Flikr. I hope to get to those today.....or at least by Sunday. And THANK YOU again to Karen for checking out the pics and commenting. I love to read your guys' comments. They really make it all worth it. I know most of you have so much going on in your lives right now, I am just glad you come by and visit. Most of you are parents and such....I'm just glad no one judges me for being one of "those" pet people that babies their animals because they can't have kids of their own. My husband gives me enough crap about treating Zoe better than him. No worries.....he's full of shit and just likes to tease me. Butt head. LOL. But in some ways, he's probably right. I did scramble an egg to add to Zoe's lunch yesterday. Oh well.

I'm rambling....sorry. Too much coffee. Now I'll be running off to finish (OK, start) laundry. I might even clean the bathroom if the caffeine buzz holds out that long. Enjoy the pictures.


My Zoe's Pics

I finally got my Flikr page up and going. Click on the title of this post to go to the site. Of course it only has Zoe's puppy pictures there right now. I have just started it today in between loads of laundry and dishes, so more pictures will be added in the near future. This little girl has just been my absolute joy. She was in a litter of 11 puppies and the owners said if they couldn't get rid of them they would take the pups to the pond and drown them. Zoe had a bad injury to one of her pads and would have been the least likely to get a home. So I took her to my mom's house until I got off work and now she is spoiled rotten. I hope you all enjoy her pictures. So many have been deleted because she won't hold still that long. So expect a lot of sleeping pics.


It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!

Meet Zoe. She is our new blue heeler/pointer puppy. She is precious and almost listens 50% of the time. :) We just love her to bits. I'll post more later.....got to get to work and all.


Wow.......Nearly a month again.

Okay, so I am slacking again. Don't hold it against me......I drive 100+ miles round trip for work 4 days a week, have three days off that all tied up between the family, laundry and doctor appointments. Yep, the fucking doctor. I tore the tendons and ligaments in my left hand and wrist about three weeks ago. Only in the last few days have been able to type a little bit with my left hand.......let alone even try to write. I'll be on light duty until the first of August......and I work harder at that than my normal duties. Luckily it was an on-the-job injury so they don't complain too much about the next 4-6 weeks of physical therapy. I did it right before my last day at the Tillamook store. At least I was still allowed to transfer. We have not moved yet, but are hoping to find a place by late July or early August.

I got to spend a little time with my cousin Muffy* this last week. I got to meet her two boys, damn they are as cute as little buttons. We haven't seen each other since 1995 or 96. I'm not really that close to that side of my family anymore. I was the "problem child" and burnt bridges that can never be replaced. With this in mind, imagine my shock to hear that both Muffy and her brother wanted to see me during their family vacations. I feel very fortunate that they would include me back into their lives. I only hope that other people in my family will not "frown" upon their choices. I would hate to see any bad repercussions from our time together.
We took her boys to the cheese factory and they seemed to enjoy it, especially the ice cream at the end. We then had lunch with our grandparents and caught up a bit and remembered the good ol' days. I was only sorry that neither of our husbands joined us. Her husband was away on a trip of his own and mine felt that I really needed to do this on my own. I think things went well. Hopefully next time it won't be so long in between visits. It's nice to have at least a little family back in my life.

*Not her real name..........but the same name we've called her since she was a baby. Her parents weren't really that cruel, I swear.

Oh and I am really excited about this bit of news...........
Thanks to Chantix (a wonder drug) I HAVE QUIT SMOKING!!!!!!!!!! After 20 years, it's about damn time. Not bad for a girl with no will power of her own. I have tried off and on to quit in the last few years. Everything from the gum (gross and burny), to the patch (allergic to the adhesive), to the good old fashioned "cold turkey" (that almost caused a few felonies). This one worked though, even with missing a few doses here and there, six weeks after starting I had my first day with no nicotine. For several weeks I have been cutting down without realizing it. A few days ago I noticed that I opened a pack of cigarettes and finally finished it off.........almost 2 weeks later. One or two drags twice a day was becoming to much to handle. And today.......nothing. YIPPEE!!!!


On the Road Again...

So this will be our home again. In a month or two, we will be moving back to Seaside. Why? Well let's just say I've been given an offer I can't refuse. New promotion, bigger paychecks, places to live that aren't all income contingent. Plus the hubby got an offer to go to school for a welding program, all paid for by grants and scholarship funds. It just seems like our best option right now. I've been helping out up there for several weeks and I love it. Besides, we missed our friends there. And it doesn't smell like cows. I just can't get used to that smell. Especially in 100* + heat. Eww. We lived in Seaside for 4 years before moving here....let's face it, it always felt more like home there, at least to me. 2 years and we still barely know anyone here. It feels like the right thing to do....at least for a few years.


Thank You

I want to thank you all for your support during these difficult times. I refuse to focus on the loss and heartache. I, instead, choose to focus my energies on getting well and beating my odds. My body is my own worst enemy right now and I plan on showing it who really runs this joint. Mind over matter (along with western medicine) will be my new slogan. I have also been doing research into acupuncture and other forms of therapy. I will overcome or go broke trying. My spirits are up....so are my happy pills....so I thank you again for your well-wishes and all of your support. You have all become a second family to me in the last several months. You have welcomed me into your daily joys, pains and even your life changing milestones. You make me laugh when I need it most, you make me cry when that's all you can do. But most of all, you make me smile and warm my heart everyday.

OK,that's enough of that sentimental shit. Look what you made me go and do.....bitches. :) Love you!


Maybe Someday.....

Okay, so it happened again. Yep, I had another miscarriage. No worries, I finally found out why this keep happening to us. Turns out I have PCOS and severe endometriosis. So on Friday I will be starting on hormone therapy, Depo, pre-diabetes meds and then wait 3 months, check a bunch of blood work and go from there. The doctor was hopeful that if we got my condition under control, maybe we could try for a baby in a year or two. This condition is an extreme case because it turns out I've been misdiagnosed, and untreated, for at least 10 years. So from the ashes of yet another heartache comes a light of hope. It is about fucking time. There is also a chance of bad news....if things get worse after treatment, I may have to have a complete hysterectomy. But we won't think about that bit of news. I prefer to think that things will get better from here, not worse.

So there you have it, my bad/good news for the week. This week better improve, I am getting worn out already, and it's only Thursday.


Wow.....Has it Been That Long?

Holy shit, I can't believe I have been slacking this bad. Since finishing my classes I've been working my ass off, without my raise. That should hopefully go through in the next week or so, complete with back pay. I have been working insane shifts that bounce between morning, noon, evening and graveyard. Minus the stupid people, things are going really well.

I have made a great effort to better improve my life, including taking anti-depressants and improving my diet. I had a full blood panel done and found that everything is in good shape except the ever important cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Ouch, those were horrid. But with some simple changes I have lost 15 pounds and I will be retested in about 2 1/2 months. At least my blood pressure has dropped to a safe level. Since my grandparents and father have all had massive heart attacks, I worry more as I get older. All of them started having heart problems in their 30's. I plan to fix 30 years of damage before I end up in an ICU by 35. Wish me luck.

Things for the home life are getting better. Since I went on meds for my depression, my mother-in-law has also started on meds to improve her mood. Things are looking up, and the men around here are noticing a decrease in tension. There is more laughter and less crying and screaming. I think we are all improving slowly but surely. None the less, the hubby and I are hoping to get into a place of our own before July or August. It's just with my mother-in-law not working due to her medical problems, money is tight and it is taking everything we have to keep just one home afloat. If she gets her SSI approved then we can start saving for an apartment soon. Some days I quit holding my breathe. At least it is becoming easier for us all to live together. Better late then never, I guess.

I will try to be better about blogging around here, but at least I can always be counted on to leave my foul-mouthed laced comments on Tysgirl's page. It will take an act of God to keep my opinion out of there. Or her just finally blocking me because I hit someone's last nerve. Or something like that.


Just Another Day in Paradise...

I got stuck in the shit shift of graveyard last night. At least things went by quickly for a change. I hate changing sale tags. By the end of my shift my feet are killing me, I've had too many coffee and energy drinks followed by being wired for the next few hours until I might be able to crawl back into bed and sleep until 2 or 3PM. It makes for a crappy day of feeling like you got nothing accomplished. At least I got the federal taxes done for another year. Tomorrow I'll get the state finished up. Too much fun I tell you. I finally got my level 2 management training done...YIPPEEE!! All I have to do now is finish some paperwork then I will be a supervisor (PIC). It means working some later shifts, but it will also get me out of some of the shitty departments that I despise working in. And I get a big jump in pay. That helps. And here is a picture of some of our snow up on the hills to our east. This was early morning just before everything below 500 feet started to get snow. I enjoy just taking in some of the views we have around here. Drive 15 minutes in any direction and you could either be hiking in the mountains, exploring breathtaking waterfalls or strolling on the beach. I sometimes could kick myself for not taking more time to do some of those things. I try to get into the great outdoors at least once every few months. Living in such a diverse environment, you can sometimes lose your appreciation for it. Maybe I'll have to take some vacation time in the spring and just go enjoy life. Possibly, I'll remember what kind of paradise I really live in.


I Think I Was Missed....or He Was Just Bored

This is what happens when the hubby gets bored during my absence. If you can't see it well, click the image to make it larger. I took the picture a few months ago using the mirror to see the display. I was bored before work one day. This wasn't one of my favorites, but he found it while downloading some other pictures off the camera, I forgot they were even there. He photoshopped it to get it B&W then added the effects to it. I thought it came out great. He emailed it to me while I was out of town. I got home and it was our new desktop picture as well. I think he might have missed me a little bit.


I'm Not Dead

I will be gone for the next week and a 1/2. But I am not dead. I will be on a business trip, my first to be exact. I will be working in Silverton Ore., staying in Sublimity Ore. and trying to visit a few of the sights while I'm there. I may go to the Oregon Garden and visit some of the several museums in the area. I don't think I'll make the trek down to Silver Falls, hopefully Beaver Boy and I will make that trip this summer. It is a beautiful area and I will enjoy my time, but this is the first time I will have been away from the hubby for this long in years. That part will be hard. He will probably enjoy the freedom, a new strip club opened up in Oceanside, maybe he'll go check it out. Doubt it, but if my step-dad comes down, he may not get a choice. Well, I got to finish packing and getting things in order around here. I'll take the camera and try to get some pictures from the area. Try not to miss me too much.


My Own PSA......We Are Surrounded

We had to have the garage door repaired. The Sears repairman told us that one of our problems was that we did not have a "large" enough motor on the opener. I thought for a minute, and said that we had the largest one Sears made at that time, a 1/2 horsepower. He shook his head and said, "Lady, you need a 1/4 horsepower." I responded that 1/2 was larger than 1/4. He said, "NO, it's not." Four is larger than two.." We haven't used Sears repair since.

IDIOT SIGHTING My daughter and I went through the McDonald's take-out window and I gave the clerk a $5 bill. Our total was $4.25, so I also handed her a quarter. She said, "you gave me too much money." I said, "Yes I know, but this way you can just give me a dollar bill back." She sighed and went to get the manager who asked me to repeat my request. I did so, and he handed me back the quarter, and said "We're sorry but they could not do that kind of thing." The clerk then proceeded to give me back $1 and 75 cents in change. Do not confuse the clerks at McD's.

I live in a semi rural area. We recently had a new neighbor call the local township administrative office to request the removal of the DEER CROSSING sign on our road. The reason: "Too many deer are being hit by cars out here! I don't think this is a good place for them to be crossing anymore."

From Kingman , KS .

My daughter went to a local Taco Bell and ordered a taco. She asked the person behind the counter for "minimal lettuce." He said he was sorry, but they only had iceberg lettuce. From Kansas City

I was at the airport, checking in at the gate when an airport employee asked, "Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?" To which I replied, "If it was without my knowledg e, how would I know?" He smiled knowingly and nodded, "That's why we ask."

Happened in Birmingham , Ala.

The stoplight on the corner buzzes when it's safe to cross the street. I was crossing with an intellectually challenged coworker of mine. She asked if I knew what the buzzer was for. I explained that it signals blind people when the light is red. Appalled, she responded, "What on earth are blind people doing driving?!" She was a probation officer in Wichita , KS <>

At a good-bye luncheon for an old and dear coworker. She was leaving the company due to "downsizing." Our manager commented cheerfully, "This is fun. We should do this more often." Not another word was spoken. We all just looked at each other with that deer-in-the-headlights stare

This was a lunch at Texas Instruments.

I work with an individual who plugged her power strip b ack into itself and for the sake of her life, couldn't understand why her system would not turn on.

A deputy with the Dallas County Sheriffs office, no less.

When my husband and I arrived at an automobile dealership to pick up our car, we were told the keys had been locked in it. We went to the service department and found a mechanic working feverishly to unlock the driver's side door. As I watched from the passenger side, I instinctively tried the door handle and discovered that it was unlocked. "Hey," I announced to the technician, "its open!" His reply, " I know. I already got that side."

This was at the Ford dealership in Canton , Mississippi


They walk among us... and the scary part is that they VOTE and REPRODUCE!!!

**Beaver Boy found this on some other site, we felt it was our duty to share with you, to help protect you from such stupidity.