
So I'm a Wuss

I can't help it. Anything over 68 degrees and I'm whining. So we went towards Portland yesterday, it was 86. The husband and I went to go bass fishing, he caught one fish and I ended up with the mother of all sunburns. Off to the store we went........all the aloe gel was sold the fuck out!!!!!!!!!!!! So I am settling for cool showers, aloe lotion, and the sympathy of my husband to put the crap all over my back. Now all I dread is the idea of going back to work and having to wear real clothes again....


mama biscuit said...

Ummmm, you know they make product to prevent stuff like that?!?!?! Just had to point that out ;-)

I could be pulling this out of my ass but it seems to me like taking a bath in water and vinegar helps take the sting out.

JTEWhatever said...

I was using Hawaiian Tropic suntan oil w/ SPF 6....so that was something,lol. Anyways, thanks for the advice. I need all the help i can get. My shoulders and chest are the worst. My legs are actually darkening into a real tan. After all this time in Oregon, I figured I'd just rust and fall apart....