
Coffee Girl

You Are a Cappuccino

You're fun, outgoing, and you love to try anything new.
However, you tend to have strong opinions on what you like.
You are a total girly girly at heart - and prefer your coffee with good conversation.
You're the type that seems complex to outsiders, but in reality, you are easy to please

This so true is scares me.


You Are 94% Evil

You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you!


Sorry.......I've Been Playing

Okay, I've had 5 kids at my house for the last few days. Not a one is mine. My nephew and 4 little kids that are related to my mother-in-law have taken over the back yard. They all have tents and are having a blast. I'll post some pictures as soon as we download them. At 31, I should not have my fat ass playing tag, hide-and-seek or any other game that requires running or jumping. Oh well......I hurt like a son-of-bitch, but the kids are have a great time and that is all that really matters. The Hubby even fucked up his ankle pretty bad, (pain killer bad), but he is still out playing around with them. I think we will have them for at least another 5 days or so. I will probably be in a body cast by the end.......so at least then I should be able to post more often. Hostel take over at work is going on schedule.


A Day Off?!?!?

I finally got a day off this week. Minus the early hours, it was a good week. Usually when I'm receiving clerk everything goes wrong and one of the big vendors tries to take advantage of my lack of knowledge. But this week I stayed on top of everything and got the shit done and had everything looking great. Even my manager said it was in great shape....that was a new trick for him. So this coming week it is back to the front of the store to deal with customers and a bitchy Strbux manager fresh from 7 months of maternity leave (yep, she's a fucking pussy who couldn't even make coffee because of one excuse after another). Now I am not trying to be nasty about her leave or the fact that she was pregnant. But the bitch wouldn't do a damn thing after she found out she was pregnant because "something could happen to the baby". She had a normal pregnancy, healthy baby, no c-section.....and took an extra few months to help repair the stress from being pregnant. Did I mention that her mother is raising this baby? She's just a fucking pussy........and she comes back to work on Tuesday. At least 3 people I work with there are thinking of quitting when she comes back just because she is a bitch, rude to her employees and can't run that shop for shit. I used to do her job....I can say she can't run it for shit. So as everyone flies the coop.....I'm planning a hostel takeover..................



So there I was, minding my own business.......My cat (the retarded looking one) started going ape shit jumping from one window to another. I had heard some bird but was not really paying much attention since our yard resembles an aviary most the time anyways. I looked up from the computer and this what I saw...a flicker making its mating call into our front window. The picture quality sucks but it was taken through a screen so I was impressed it wasn't blurry. Another flicker was up higher in the Japanese maple and they have been flying all around our property doing the mating dance for the last several hours. The cats both finally gave up and fell asleep, thank god because I was tired of being their race track. At least during all this I managed to get most of my "to do" list complete. Except the part about cleaning house. I figure the guys will be well covered with fish slime, salt water and probably mud so why bother until after work tomorrow. At least I did the laundry so not everything I did was all about me today. Though I did enjoy the self-pampering. It doesn't happen often anymore. Off I go, now that my nails are dry, I can finally try to eat something...


New Shit

I added a new feature....a poll at the bottom of the page. I hope I am smart enough to remember to change it. I also now have a feed at feedburner.com. http://feeds.feedburner.com/CantHelpMyself
Don't ask me what all I am supposed do be able to with that add-on...but I am sure I'll figure it out just like the rest of this shit.

Everyone else here is sleeping so they can go sturgeon fishing in the morning. Me....all about the sleeping in, doing laundry, clean up the house, work on some gardening, possibly add some highlights to my hair and redo my manicure kinda day. I just have to get all that done before an early bedtime of 6:15 pm. All this week I get to do the 4 AM to 12:30 PM shift at work while covering a vacation. BONUS.....no dealing with customers all fucking week, and the paper trail in this dept. is all caught up. It should a real easy week. Especially compared to a few weeks ago when we had some huge soda deal, the receiving area was a wreck do to 2 resets that week and we were about 3 weeks behind on the weekly paperwork. This week I have no huge sales, no paperwork, and only one small reset. YIPPEEE!!!!!! I love simple weeks. Now I even have my barista training done and only have around 3 or 4 things to finish for lead training. By the end of this month, hopefully everything will fall into place. Things are looking good so far.


This Is Where I'd Rather Be...

This is a small section of beach not far from our house. It is well hidden from the highway if no one is parked on the roadside. With all this heat...I'd rather be there than on my way to work. It is a beautiful place than rock-hounders love to frequent. It is usually quiet and the winds are pretty calm. It's kinda fun to walk along and notice all the different animal tracks going to the tide pools. Deer, elk and raccoon tracks are everywhere. We once saw a doe and fawn walking back from the ocean edge. It is a great place to hide for the day.


So it's True....100 degree temps do happen

So there I was, minding my own business. Out of no where came 100 degree temps to my beloved coastal town. Let's face it......that is too fucking hot when you move here to enjoy the mild temperatures and anything above 68 is sweltering. Yes, I'm bitching because not only did I have to work today, but we are required to wear black slacks and khaki shirts. Black Dickies are anything but breathable and comfortable in this heat. Sure the store has AC, but do you think it works in my office.......shit no!!! It is only a 5x8 closet of space with the 2 computers that run everything financial in the building plus the safe is in there. Why the fuck would anybody want to put an AC vent in there?!?!?!?! So we run a couple of fans in the little room, not leaving much space to move, but at least our hot air is circulating. Tomorrow is supposed to be around 79, so hopefully the 20 degree drop will make me an easier person to be around. Customer service is a whore when you are hot and cranky. At least I have 2 weeks vacation to look forward to.



So it's back to work I go. Minus the sunburn we had a great weekend. We fed seals at an aquarium in Seaside, played at the beach in Lincoln City, bass fishing near Banks, and even managed to get some yard work done around home. Now it is the end of my mini-vacation, back to the salt mines where we have a new asst. manager that I get to try a plea with to get my real vacation this summer. At least we already have most of it planned out....camping, camping and more camping. Maybe some fishing. Hopefully no burning.


So I'm a Wuss

I can't help it. Anything over 68 degrees and I'm whining. So we went towards Portland yesterday, it was 86. The husband and I went to go bass fishing, he caught one fish and I ended up with the mother of all sunburns. Off to the store we went........all the aloe gel was sold the fuck out!!!!!!!!!!!! So I am settling for cool showers, aloe lotion, and the sympathy of my husband to put the crap all over my back. Now all I dread is the idea of going back to work and having to wear real clothes again....


Hey, thanks for the posts

Thanks for posting. First....yes he is holding a beaver. He is a trapper. He traps for private land owners who have tried other methods for control, but alas, that beaver in the pic was collapsing a small island and causing flooding damage. Second, you wouldn't believe the "product consumption" for that pic of me...LOL. This here is a pic of the island this last winter. Now it is even more spectacular with everything blooming, especially the willow near the bridge. I'll try to get some new pics soon. He also traps the nutria in this pond since it is an invasive species that is destroying the coverts and roads throughout the coastal area. I support him, but they are kinda cute....and he forbidden from trapping any critters near the house that I think are cute or adorable. Unless they kill a barn kitten, then all bets are off........


Sunset on the Coast

This has got to be one of my favorite reasons for living in the Northwest. We have some of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. This pic was taken from our front porch a few months ago. My hubby has a way with cameras. He loves to get these wonderful pictures. I change the desktop on the computer every time he gets some more. It's always best if a storm is moving in off shore. It's a good trade for the rain.

My Pic

So here is my pic.....I wish it were better but at least I am wearing makeup...


This is getting insane, I cry at the drop of a hat. All because I might not get to go camping in 100 degree heat and mosquito heaven. What the hell ever.......OK, so maybe I was looking forward to it, maybe I don't usually get weekends off. But to start crying....SHIT. I really need to get a grip on myself. At least I pulled it together before my husband could call back. I feel like I may snap one day.......hopefully not for another 20 years or so, but some day.

OK, here I go

My name is Jenn, and I'm pretty boring. I'm married to a wonderful guy.....though I have no idea how he puts up with me. I have an insane job that I don't know how I put up with it. Two cats that just lay around or annoy the shit out of us. We live with my in-laws.........later on that subject. My best friends live over 70 miles away, and I just can't seem to connect with anyone around here like that. We live on the Oregon coast, so at least we have beautiful scenery. What can I say, pretty boring.......