
That's The Way Spend Your Day Off...

Okay, I won't complain too much. At least I wasn't the one cleaning dog doo out of the yard. However I did start my day by waking up at 5AM. How the hell is that sleeping in?!?!?! Whatever. I was wide awake....that blows. So I made coffee, took the dog out and pondered what to do with my day. Since we are hopefully moving soon I decided that packing some of our useless crap would be a good idea, so I called the grocery store to have them hold some boxes. Then I decided we needed to get the carpets cleaned from Zoe housebreaking fun. So after a long hot shower off to the store we went, picked up boxes and bought carpet cleaning foam. But then I realized that I needed a new mop head for the carpet foam and a durable cleaning rag for the tough spots. So off to the other store.....their Starbucks' is better. More coffee in hand, I got to start the carpets and start the packing fun. Eight hours later.......I've cleaned the carpets and the boxes are still in the car. EIGHT hours......next time I am so just going to save time, energy and my back by renting a freakin' steam cleaner. I love the Resolve carpet foam.....for small spots, not years of stains made worse by puppy training. Bonus....in-laws are bringing home dinner. The hubby cleaned dog poop and mowed the field and yard. I am going to try to get laundry done tonight and start the packing thing tomorrow. And maybe...just maybe I'll be able to sleep in until at least 6AM.

BTW......Everyone keep your fingers crossed that the house will open up for us, we find out Friday.


mama biscuit said...

Yes, you definitely need to rent a Rug Doctor next time, much easier and usually not more than $20 or $30 for the day.

I'd cross my fingers but they're swollen. What is the finger equivalent of cankles?

Good luck!

JTEWhatever said...

Your cankle crossing must have worked...we found out this morning that the carpet will be replaced on Friday and we will start moving in next Thursday, That's when I'll have money to pay the rent. Plus there is no way that I can pack and move in two days...I'm good but not that good.