
Is There A Doctor in the House?

Are you freakin' kidding me? This shit is getting out of control. Sorry, but I'm about to have a pity party. You have been warned.

In two months I have torn tendons in my hand, developed pneumonia, had swollen nasal membranes that ruptured (painful), ended up with pleurisy (Really Painful), food poisoning, bacterial strep and now........a new nasty head & chest cold with an ear infection (NOT FUCKING FEELING GOOD HERE). I'm so ready to shoot myself in the head. I am convinced my body is trying to destroy itself. I know everyone gets sick, everyone goes through the "blah" days. But all this in TWO MONTHS!!! Really, I think I hit my breaking point.

Now I'm done whining. For the moment.

1 comment:

mama biscuit said...

Good god, did someone put a hex on your ass?

Hope you feel better soon.