
I am NOT Explaining

If you have read any of my posts on other sites, you may have noticed that I am feeling a bit stoned out of my mind today. Yes, I am on high amounts of pain killers. Yes, I am feeling a bit froggy today. No, I will not explain the last several days that have led me to be in this condition. It's the holidays....let's not ruin that last bit of joy I may hold onto. No, I am not dying in the physical sense of the word. Yes, at least one person around here will probably guess what the fuck is going on. Yes, that person may email me, but no posting what you think it may be. You know me fairly well. I'll deal with this in my own time. Christmas is not that time. So please just bear with the odd comments and some misspelled words. I'll be back to as normal as I get in a few days. Thank you for your understanding.


mama biscuit said...

I think I can probably guess what's going on. I'm sorry. Let me know if I can help.


MBCBUYB said...

Is it crabs? Cuz, they make a shampoo... I've heard. *cough*

mama biscuit said...

Not the time for that shit, Jeff.

JTEWhatever said...

It's all good....I need all the laughs I can get. It's been a rough week.